We have been saying during the pandemic that “This is Collaborative’s Time to Shine!” If one of your goals for 2022 is to grow your Collaborative Divorce practice, we have some suggestions for New Year’s Resolutions that will make a difference in your practice.
- Make Collaborative prominent on your website and information easy to find.
Look at your website through the eyes of a first-time visitor to the site. If Collaborative does not have a significant presence on your site, why would a potential client think that this is an important part of your practice?
2. Use Collaborative Divorce not Collaborative Law or Collaborative Practice.
We like to say that you need to speak the language of a potential client that is looking for information about divorce. Law and Practice is internal language and tying the word collaborative to the area of practice means that you are speaking their language and just hoping that they can figure it out.
3. Use a video such as this Story of the Orange Explainer Video to help potential clients learn about the Collaborative Divorce process.

Contact us at The Crouch Group for information on how to get a customized version of this video.
4. Get a free analysis of your website and digital collaborative footprint from The Crouch Group. The analysis includes 4 reports with actionable items that you can give to your web team.
5. Blog and blog some more!
Commit to writing at least 1 new blog per month. This will make a huge difference in the performance of your website. Here is a list of monthly blog themes that we recommend to our clients. We also have strategies for producing blogs on a consistent basis that make the process of developing blogs easier and consistent.
Camille Milner and Tim Crouch are available to speak to your Collaborative organization in 2022. There is no charge. It is part of our joint mission of helping to grow the Collaborative movement.
Camille Milner is a Collaborative Divorce Attorney in Texas and received the Gay G. Cox Award for Excellence in Collaborative Law from Collaborative Divorce Texas. Her husband Tim Crouch owns a marketing and advertising agency that works with Collaborative groups and professionals throughout the United States. They have also written a book, “Build the Brand and Get More Collaborative Cases!” which is available on Amazon.
The Respectful Divorce Podcast
The Crouch Group is pleased to announce The Respectful Divorce Podcast. The podcast launched in 2021 in California during Divorce with Respect Week. The new edition features New Hampshire Collaborative Divorce Coach Ann Conway. Ann is one of the leaders of Collaborative Divorce New Hampshire and discusses her experience as a divorce coach and the impact that her own parents’ divorce had on her.
If you would like to be a guest on The Respectful Divorce Podcast, it is free to Collaborative Professionals. Contact either Tim Crouch or Charles Crouch for more information.