Coronavirus or COVID-19 is creating all kinds of havoc in our lives and in business.
Here at The Crouch Group, we have some recommendations for how to manage during the Coronavirus crisis and hopefully emerge stronger after the crisis has passed.
1. Zoom
We are great fans of Zoom. There are opportunities to conduct client meetings, webinars and even collaborative meetings by Zoom. Some of our California clients are offering the Divorce Options class by Zoom. Zoom is an easy platform to work with, very affordable ($15.00 per month) and allows you to share documents, videos or PowerPoint presentations as part of the Zoom meeting.
2. Website
This is a great time to work on your website. Perhaps it is time to build a new site or rework your current site. We can advise you about whether you should build a new site or just make some updates to freshen the look of the site. We will review your site at no charge and provide you with a report that you can give to your website folks that can help the site perform better. Or if you would like for us to help you, we would be glad to do so.
3. Website Copy
Website copy is often a “Roundtuit” item or something that you want to work on when you can get around to it. This is a great time to re-write the copy on site. Fresh copy always helps the performance of the site. We can also assist in re-writes to strengthen the keyword structures on each page thus helping the search engines to rank your site higher.
4. Blogs
Anyone who know me knows that my mantra is blog, blog, blog. This is the most affordable thing that you can do to boost your website. A consistent blogging plan bring the search engine through the site more often. Blogs often become the primary entry point to your website. If things are slow, write a blog or 2 or 3. If you need topics let me know. I have created a calendar of topic themes that could help to fill your calendar for rest of 2020. Write them all now and your post-Coronavirus marketing plan gets a head start.
5. Market Needs Analysis
Take some time to review your current marketing plan. The Crouch Group offers a market needs analysis that can provide you with recommendations for a post-Coronavirus marketing plan. This is a plan that you can follow or if you would like an accountability marketing partner, we can help you to keep you plan on track and prepared to take dramatic steps forward.
There is an old axiom about business during a depressed economy that says that businesses that keep advertising during this time build their brand up and come back even stronger when the market returns. The Crouch Group is here to help. Call us today. Coronavirus is not the end of the world. For smart business people it is an opportunity to slow down and plan.
For more information on the Coronavirus, check out the CDC.