Blog, Blog, Blog… if you have ever been to one of my training events you know that this is a mantra that I often repeat.
Google tells us that blogging is the best thing that you can do for your website. Through the years, I have had clients who do nothing for SEO other than consistently writing new blogs. Their web traffic has grown dramatically because of the new content they are writing for their website.
There are, however, some pretty big “Yeah, Buts” that keep this from becoming a reality for a lot of collaborative professionals.
- Yeah, But… I don’t know what makes it a blog?
- Yeah, But… I don’t know who would read it?
- Yeah, But… What should I write about?
- Yeah, But… I don’t know how long a blog should be?
- Yeah, But… I don’t have time to write a blog!
Here are some tips on writing blogs that will help to grow traffic into your website.
What makes it a blog?
A blog is an article on your website that will often show up in search engine results because it answers a question. Blogs have one specific theme or point. You don’t want to tell everything you know, just enough to establish expertise and prompt them to contact you.
Who would read it?
I like to think about the potential divorce client sitting in the dark at 1am after a big fight with their spouse. They can’t sleep and they are trying to figure out what to do. They are looking for answers. How does Child Support work? What are my Divorce Options? How long does it take? etc.
What should I write about?
Think about your potential client and write to what they want to know. What questions do they ask in the initial meeting? This is a great opportunity to introduce Collaborative Divorce as an option for a better way to untie the knot.
How long should a blog be?
A blog should be a minimum of 300 words and generally no more than 700 to 750 words. Sometimes it can be longer, but our attention spans are short and we don’t recommend going much over 700 words. Blogs should be easy to read bullet points and lists make for great blogs.
I don’t have the time!
One of the most common issues is setting aside time to sit down and start writing. Here at The Crouch Group, we developed a technique to help our clients to write blogs in a time efficient manner. We record a telephone interview with the author on a topic. The call only takes 10 minutes, then we transcribe the interview, edit it and send you the blog for your final edits and approval. We have found this to be a very efficient way to create fresh blog content on a regular basis.
The Crouch Group can help you to create more fresh content for your website and ultimately drive more traffic and potential clients to your site without breaking the bank. There is no need for any “Yeah, Buts…” contact us today for more information.