If you have ever wondered if you site is measuring up in basic performance and Search Engine Optimization we can help!
Here are 3 free tests (including a test to compare your site to your competition) that you can run to see what is working and what is not working.
Test #1- Website Scoring
The review will provide a score for your website. Anything below a 70 is a failing score and the report will layout what needs to be done to get a higher score. Higher scores will result in higher search engine rankings.
If the site is below 50, there should be serious consideration about rebuilding the site.
Test # 2- Directories and Listings Score
One of the key components of search engine optimization is Off Page SEO. These are key directories and local listings that when the name, address and phone number are all in alignment it provides a powerful lift to a website’s performance.
Check Your Directories and Listings Score
Many of these directories you may not recognize. But the search engines recognize them and bring these into alignment is critically important to the performance of your website.
Test # 3- Check Your Site Versus Competitors
This is test will allow you to enter three website domains of your competitors alongside your site. This will measure how your site is performing on a primary keyword or search term versus the competition. It will also compare backlinks (links from other websites) site speed, domain strength and if your site is fully indexed by Google, Bing and Yahoo.
Check Your Search Engine Optimization
If you need help interpreting these reports or would like for The Crouch Group to run these reports for you, just let us know. Our reports are all free and you can share the results with your website team.
The Crouch Group can also help to fix any issues that need to be addressed. We work with Collaborative Professionals through the United States.