How do you get more engagement with your content?
Everyone wants to have a viral video or something that gets everyone talking. However, the first question you need to be asking is, “Why should someone want to engage with my content?”
Just wanting to have higher engagement is getting ahead of yourself. People need to have a reason to want to share or talk about your content. It needs to make people laugh, elicit strong emotion, or have an active participation aspect to it.
In the 1988 Batman story, Batman: A Death in the Family, DC gave readers a chance to vote on whether Robin should be killed off. 900 numbers were set up for people to call in and vote. After over 10,600 votes it was decided to kill off Robin. The decision garnered stories in major news outlets including USA Today.
For a little closer example: a few years ago, we produced a video for our client, Gohlke Pools. The video was a parody of over the top commercials from local car dealers. The video got 18,000 views when first posted on the internet.
Wanting to have content go viral is a good idea, but you need to take it a step back.
Why should someone want to engage with the content? Do people get to see that their engagement has a real impact on the show/content they enjoy or an impact on the real world? Many people today want to engage with companies and content that are not just focused on the bottom line. What reason do you give them to engage with you?
If you need help answering that question or creating engaging content, The Crouch Group can assist you. From engaging and fun video production to social media campaigns and everything in-between, we can help you design content that people want to engage with. Contact us today (940) 383-1990 or www.thecrouchgroup.com.
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