Pay-Per-Click campaigns with Google Ads (formerly Google Ad Words) for attorneys are the some of the most expensive per action on the internet.
An action could be someone clicking to your website, calling your office, in other words interacting with your Google Ad.
On average, Google ads cost $8.88 more per action for attorneys than any other industry. Why is this? There is a lot of competition for legal keywords. There are Family Law attorneys, Personal injury, Tax Attorneys, Business attorneys, Criminal attorneys, DUI/ DWI attorneys, Civil Rights attorneys, and the list goes on.
So, the question is: Since Google ads for attorneys are more expensive than any other industry, are they worth it?
Two Kinds of Google Ads
Before answering that question, let’s be clear on the types of Google Ads.
There are 2 kinds of Google Ads and you have already experienced both.
First, there are Search Ads: Ads that pop up at the first 2-3 spots when you search for something in Google. These ads have an “ad” label so it is very clear which are paid-for Search Engine Ranks versus a not-paid-for Search Engine Rank.
These ads are very simple. They are only text or numbers, and no images. They can include your business name, website link, a call to action, what area of practice you are promoting, and your phone number. These ads are best for reaching people through the search terms or questions that they have.
The other kind of Google Ads are called Display Network ads.
These ads include some sort of image or video. They are seen all over the internet, on what Google calls, Display Network websites. These ads may run before you watch a video on YouTube or could be seen on the side as you scroll down a website. These ads are best for people getting a good sense of who you are and what you do. They see and hear you in a video or see you in the ad’s image.
So again, the question is: Since Google ads for attorneys are so expensive, is it even worth it to do a Pay-per-Click campaign?
The answer is YES.
20 years ago, the Yellow Pages was the way that attorneys were found. The internet, and particularly Google, has dethroned the Yellow Pages. Google, in tandem with your website, gives you complete control over the information that people see about your practice.
In the Yellow pages, you would have your business name and phone number, be grouped with similar business, and (if you paid more) have an image ad for your business.
With Google Ads, you now have more options and more control over your advertising. Google Ads are completely worth the price, if you are strategic in the creation of the ad.
With the Yellow Pages ad, anyone could see it. You would just hope it stood out to the right person. When Yellow Pages were relevant the average person used it 3 times per month. But you paid for that home even if they never saw your ad or needed your services. Google Ads can be targeted to your ideal client from the start.
If your practice is mostly Wills and Probate there’s very little reason to have that ad seen by a 25-year-old. With Google ads, you can restrict the age of the person seeing your ad to someone who would need your services.
While Google Ads are more expensive for Attorneys than any other industry, with strategic planning you can reduce your cost.
1. Who is your ideal client?
2. Think of specific keywords or phrases that explain your practice.
3. Don’t waste money on “attorneys near me,” when “collaborative divorce attorney near me” is more representative of what searches your ideal client would make to find you.
Google Ads and your Website have completely replaced the Yellow Pages. While not cheap, neither were the ads that attorneys bought in the Yellow Pages. Plus, Google Ads can be designed more efficiently. Google Ads for attorneys are much more affordable and have a better Return on Investment than the Yellow pages ever did.
Does the strategic planning that goes into a successful Google Ads Campaign boggle your mind? Or do you simply not have time to devote to a successful Google Ads Campaign? Let the Crouch Group help! We have certifications in Google Search and Display Network Ads. We will create a campaign that only reaches your ideal future clients. Contact us today (940) 383-1990.
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