In 2010, Google stated that they were going to begin to use site speed as a factor in ranking websites. In 2018, Google doubled down on this by stating that they intend to use site speed as a factor for ranking websites on mobile, with the intent of ensuring that people do not have to wait to find the answers to their questions. This means that if your website is not running fast, or at least faster than the average 15 seconds[1] on mobile, you will have trouble ranking on Google for … [Read more...]
4 Easy Time Management Techniques
Do you feel like you are highly disorganized or are a major procrastinator? Fixing the issue may be less complicated than you are imagining. Working on your time management skills may have a huge impact on your organization and productivity. Improving time management means improving your organization and planning skills. The old saying is that “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. 1.Keep Organized How much time do you waste sifting through papers on your desk every day to find that one … [Read more...]
Are you ready for #Mobilegeddon? We are!
You might have already heard that on April 21st Google launched it’s new algorithm that favors sites which are “mobile friendly”. This means that websites that are not “mobile friendly” will not show up in search results on mobile devices. Recent studies show that over 60% of people use their mobile phone for everyday activities so it is likely that this could mean a decline in business for those websites that don’t show up in search results. Is your business website ready for mobile? Here … [Read more...]